Thank you for considering the EVOL research group.
- If you are interested in our research and have already been admitted to a Master’s/Ph.D. program at University Nevada, Las Vegas, please feel free to contact me, and consider taking my graduade course (CS 473 - Software Product Design and Development II).

- My current research interests are in the areas of code recommenders. This includes searching for code snippets (bug/vulnerability fix, refactoring, test cases, optimizations, e.t.c) and recommending them. As a next step after the snippet search, I want to help the developer with the integration of the snippet. However, I can also be a little flexible. If you have a related software engineering topic that sounds interesting to me, feel free to email me with specifics.
- Prospective Ph.D. Students should have already obtained a Master’s degree in software engineering or a related field and published at least one peer-reviewed paper in a software engineering venue. I will usually have a video call with promising candidates. I typically ask Ph.D. candidates to give a 10 - 15 min presentation of their research (e.g., their Master’s work). I also usually provide a programming task and a paper review task.
- Prospective Master’s students can contact me AFTER applying to the UNLV Master’s program. If you email me, please provide your application number. Please note that I review all Master’s applicants who mention my name as a potential supervisor and reach out to those I shortlist for an interview. This typically happens in Jan-Feb. I usually interview shortlisted candidates and then give a paper review task and a programming task to promising candidates. Note that at the UNLV, Master’s students can be admitted unattached to a supervisor (i.e., you can go ahead and apply to our admissions system even if you do not have a committed supervisor yet).
- As a PhD or Master’s student in our group, you will be expected to perform high quality research and algorithm development, present and report your work at conferences and in journal papers, assist with some courses, and help managing the lab.
- Regardless of the position you are applying for, please make sure to include the following in your email:
- Resume
- Transcripts
- A one-page essay presenting yourself and your research interests. The essay should be written in English and should answer the following questions:
- (i) Why would you like to do research?
- (ii) What are your research interests and why?
- (iii) What is your favourite programming language or project and why?
- (iv) What was your best learning and/or teaching experience?
- (v) You already looked at the groups projects or read some of our papers
- Please do NOT just mention keywords off of the group’s website along with generic descriptions like “my research interests overlap with yours”. I wIll ignore emails with such generic descriptions.
- To show me you have actually taken the time to read this page, include the word “SEVOL” at the beginning of your email. Please note that I will not reply to emails that do not follow these instructions.
- I also encourage you to watch the video by Prof. Sarah Nadi–Preparing a Graduate School Application & Contacting Potential Supervisors.